Code 582 Technologies and Products
Core Flight System (CFS) Software
Principal Investigator (PI)
- Contact management the team
Description and Objectives
- Platform-independent, mission-independent flight software environment, includes reusable core flight executive (cFE) and selected cFE-compliant applications.
- Work with the commercial product providers to allow simplified integration of their products into NASA control centers.
- Create a reference architecture and component suite to benefit many different missions.
CFS Concept
Technical Approach
- Create a layered on-board software architecture.
- Operating System abstraction layer.
- Core executive services.
- Reusable/configurable functional components.
- Standard Application Programmers Interfaces.
- Implementations include: NASA Class A (safety critical), multi-core, partitioned, and distributed processing
Main Innovation(s)
- Creation of a small-footprint advanced framework for embedded flight software systems.
- Dynamic publish/subscribe component architecture.
- Standardization of interfaces to support framework collaboration and exchange of components across NASA centers and missions.
Infusion Potential
- Framework is open source and applicable to a wide range of embedded systems, both ground and flight.
- Many components available for immediate mission use.