Code 583 Technologies and Products
Integrated Test and Operations System (ITOS)
Product Development Lead (PDL)
- Leor Bleier/Code 583
Description and Objectives
- The Integrated Test and Operations System (ITOS) is a suite of software applications that allow the user to control a satellite. Its main functionality is to process, display, store and monitor telemetry, and to generate telecommands.
ITOS is the core element of a spacecraft or space instrument Ground Data System for: flight operations, integration and testing, and development. ITOS is highly user-configurable, and provides a scalable, cost-effective platform.
ITOS can easily be utilized in any or all of the following mission phases:
- Board and Box development
- Instrument and component development
- Spacecraft development
- Spacecraft, instrument, and component simulation
- Flight software development
- Integration and testing
- Mission Operations

ITOS Configuration for Satellite Application
Technical Approach
- ITOS software need not be customized from mission to mission. Implements highly-evolved language for describing telemetry and command layout and processing.
- All customers share a single release; no mission-specific, dead-end versions are created
- Comprehensive product includes advanced telemetry and command processing; broad I/O capabilities including TCP/IP, SLE, CFDP, and GMSEC*; web-based displays.
- Automation provided by STOL* interpreter, configuration monitor, and schedule executor (for time-based automation) to support lights-out operations.
- No license costs for end-users.
- * SLE: Space Link Extension; CFDP:CCSDS File Delivery Protocol;
GMSEC: Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center; STOL: System Test & Operations Language
Main Innovation(s)
- Scalable from board-level testing to on-orbit operations.
- Designed for control of multiple spacecraft from a single console.
- Includes capabilities for closed-loop simulation of spacecraft, instruments, or other components.
- Traditional spacecraft front-end processing performed in software.
Infusion Potential
- Can be applied to any application involving real-time monitoring, control, and data distribution.
- Very low cost and highly user-configurable.
- Advanced, modular design for quick, low-cost customizations when needed.