Code 587 Technologies and Products
ILIADS (Integrated Lunar Information Architecture for Decision Support)
Principal Investigator (PI)
- Troy Ames/Code 587
Description and Objectives
- Provide users with:
- Capability to locate, access, analyze, and visualize mapped lunar data products.
- A core suite of on-the-fly "What-if?" quantitative analysis tools.
- Provide developers with:
- Access to open source code to facilitate contributions from domain experts.Ability to add custom algorithms & software apps.
- An architecture that readily facilitates interoperability with external GOTS* and COTS* systems and services.
ILIADS Concept
Technical Approach
- Leverage GSFC's field-proven Instrument Remote Control (IRC) software framework.
- Integrate proven off-the-shelf (OTS) and open source applications.
- Provide an ILIADS Application Programming Interface (API).
- Open Source
- Adhere to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and other widely used standards.
- * GOTS: Government Off-The-Shelf; COTS: Commercial Off-The-Shelf
Main Innovation(s)
- Easy access to historical and new mapped lunar data repositories.
- Support lunar mission formulation studies.
- Provide a software architecture that facilitates interoperability and/or integration with other exploration information systems.
Infusion Potential
- Embed ILIADS into future crew-centric Lunar Space Systems (LSS) assets (e.g., Lunar Electric Rover (LER), outposts, habitats, suits ...)
- Generalize to other Planetary data