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Code 587 Technologies and Products

Instrument Remote Component (IRC)

Principal Investigator (PI)
Description and Objectives
  • Platform independent, extensible, reusable and adaptive framework that provides robust, interactive, and distributed control and monitoring of remote instruments.
  • Provides access and control of instruments located in almost any environment.
  • Reduces implementation time for instruments by providing an architecture that is adaptable to design changes.


Instrument Remote Component (IRC) SHARC II Display



Technical Approach
  • Instrument Configuration Editor automates the creation, viewing, editing and validation of the IML files (core of IRC).
  • Automatically creates Graphical User Interface (GUI) for instrument commanding.
  • Instrument Proxy creates command formatters, port managers and telemetry parsers for instrument.
  • Data analysis pipeline parses, processes, displays and/or archives data.
Main Innovation(s)
  • IRC uses Instrument Markup Language (IML) files to describe the commands used by the instrument, the logical data streams produced, the rules for parsing the data, and the method of communication. The IML files are the core of IRC.
Infusion Potential
  • Applicable to any new Instrument or modular project.